Build scalable integrations effortlessly

The Problem

Integrations are critical for a sticky product

But hand-built integrations add painful tech debt

But hand-built integrations add painful tech debt

The Solution

Unlock 100s of
integrations with a single API

Accelerate your roadmap, increase stickiness, and drive revenue with just one platform: Merge

From sprint start to finish,
Merge boosts developer productivity

One data model for any platform...

Merge provides a single set of opinionated data models. You interact with these to access your customer’s data from hundreds of SaaS platforms.

...with unified everything else...

From authentication, to pagination, to rate limits, to webhooks and metadata, every piece of your integration is standardized by Merge — regardless of the source third-party

... and maintenance? On us.

Don’t worry about deprecated API endpoints, unexpected JSON responses, or errant bugs. Merge’s in-house team of integration experts handles all maintenance on your behalf.

Frustration reduction
is baked in for developers


Regardless of which language you use, Merge supports you with SDKs to get you up and running


Merge comes with built-in logs that record every inbound and outbound API request. Even better? They’re searchable and filterable.


Time to close those 80 open tabs. Merge’s docs are the one place for developers to find what they want fast - check them out for yourself.

Don't just take it from us

Case Study

How Electric uses Merge to save their engineering team hundreds of hours

“Building each integration internally would take us 2 to 3 sprints. We built to Merge’s Unified API in the same amount of time and we can now access dozens of HRIS integrations. As a result, Merge has allowed our engineers to save hundreds of hours.”

Greg Pelligrino
CVP of Engineering, Electric

Trusted by thousands of developers at companies like


Get a personalized demo of Merge today

Integrate today or talk to our sales team to learn how Merge unlocks hundreds of integrations in weeks, not quarters