Source Leads Use Case

Fuel your customers’ CRM with leads

Don’t work with outdated CRM data. Automatically create newly sourced contacts and leads in your customers’ CRM.

Features to support your use case

Custom objects

Read and write any custom CRM fields based off your customers’ specific needs for full flexibility

Real-time data

Set up webhooks to be notified when new leads are created or updated

See it in action

Trusted by thousands of product leaders at companies like


Don’t just source leads, drive impact

Case Study

How Rilla used CRM integrations to bring in several hundreds of thousands of dollars in ARR within months

Using our Microsoft Dynamics and NetSuite integrations, our sales reps have been able to close hundreds of thousands of dollars in new business within the last few months. And they’re now going back to deals they previously lost because we couldn’t offer these integrations. I believe that our CRM integrations will soon help us close millions of dollars in sales.

Christopher Martin
Co-Founder and CTO

Security and compliance
are our foundation

Designed from the ground up to safeguard your customer data, Merge adheres to the industry’s highest standards of security and privacy and is certified in SOC 2 Type II, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and the GDPR


Read more

CRM API integration: definition, examples, benefits, tools
CRM API integration: definition, examples, benefits, tools
A guide to using Lead APIs (with examples from Pipedrive)
A guide to using Lead APIs (with examples from Pipedrive)
Read, Write, and Update Custom Objects From Any CRM With One API
Read, Write, and Update Custom Objects From Any CRM With One API

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Integrate today or talk to our sales team to learn how Merge unlocks hundreds of integrations in weeks, not quarters