Add a TriNet integration to your product 10x faster than building it in house
Along with TriNet, add dozens of other HR & Payroll integrations that are fully maintained by Merge
Securely sync TriNet data to and from your product
Stop building your integrations one by one. Offer hundreds of integrations with Merge to close more deals, free up engineering time, and reduce customer churn.
Unlock revenue and close more deals
Launch integrations in days — not quarters — and never lose another deal.
Your sales team will thank you.
Focus on building your core product
Spare your developers hundreds of hours for each integration they build and maintain.
Your product team will thank you.
Increase customer satisfaction
A seamless integration experience shows you care about the customer experience and demonstrates your product's value.
Your customers will thank you.
Easily sync your customers' data
Merge builds and maintains 100s of integrations for you
Merge manages connections to allow clean data syncs with the SaaS products your customers use
You build once to Merge
You build a single integration with our unified APIs to read or write data from any third-party platform
Why teams choose Merge
Product teams
choose Merge to accelerate their integration roadmap from quarters to weeks
“17% of the annual recurring revenue we’ve closed over the past six months can be directly attributed to the collaboration capabilities that Merge powers via its ticketing integrations.”
Engineers love Merge because it makes integrations hassle free
“Building each integration internally would take us 2 to 3 sprints. We built to Merge’s Unified API in the same amount of time and we can now access dozens of HRIS integrations. As a result, Merge has allowed our engineers to save hundreds of hours.”
Go-to-market teams love Merge because integrations become revenue generating
“Merge came on-site to train our customer-facing teams on marketing, selling and supporting the integrations.”
Security and compliance
are our foundationDesigned from the ground up to safeguard your customer data, Merge adheres to the industry’s highest standards of security and privacy and is certified in SOC 2 Type II, ISO 27001, HIPAA, and the GDPR
![AiCPA SOC](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/624b192df0b0151225c10026/6688588f98ac1eb95d87efab_aicpa2x_min.webp)
![ISO 27001](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/624b192df0b0151225c10026/6688588f925de2f09d55efd6_iso2x_min.webp)
![HIPAA Compliant](https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/624b192df0b0151225c10026/6688588f355a72a035cdc01d_hipaa2x_min.webp)
Make integrations your competitive advantage
Integrate today or talk to our sales team to learn how Merge unlocks hundreds of integrations in days – not years.
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