How Merge helps Peoplelogic move upmarket and unblock sales opportunities

How Merge helps Peoplelogic move upmarket and unblock sales opportunities

  • 27
    HR integrations added with Merge


Maintaining depth in their integrations while gaining breadth

Peoplelogic provides real-time employee engagement insights. It integrates with its customersā€™ existing technology stack (such as email, CRM, internal communications, etc.) and acts as an early warning and response system for organizational health. These software integrations enable Peoplelogicā€™s software to discover and display insights to leaders.

Before his current role leading Peoplelogic as its founder and CEO, Matthew Schmidt had started and led Devada for two decades. During this time, some of Schmidtā€™s team members wouldnā€™t meet performance expectations, or would leave the organization unexpectedly. As Schmidt discussed his experiences with other founders, he noticed they shared similar challenges with employee engagement, and didnā€™t always understand what caused it. Schmidt started Peoplelogic to solve this problem.

Currently, teams rely on text communications and tracking time to measure employee engagement. Schmidt believes that measuring interactions, through integrations with workplace software, can offer much deeper insights. Because integrations are a core aspect of Peoplelogicā€™s product and key to delivering business value for customers, Peoplelogic built its first 35 first-party integrations independently. It quickly grew to serve over 100 customers. There was only one problemā€¦Ā 

The customers loved the integrationsā€”and needed more.Ā 

Peoplelogicā€™s customers were constantly requesting integrations with their HRIS systems. According to Schmidt, Merge enables Peoplelogicā€™s customers to:

  • Onboard and offboard employees to platform
  • Keep employee list and org chart up to date
  • Understand key metrics of employees to power their AI and machine learning driven insights

As the business grew, Schmidt knew Peoplelogic would need a way to build HRIS integrations quickly, and to offload the work of maintaining the existing and new integrations. While Schmidt considered embedded workflow software such as Zapier, 5tran, Tray, or Workato, he realized, ā€œWe need a deeper access to the information.ā€ This search led Schmidt to discover Merge.


A customizable API with broad coverage to unblock sales deals

ā€œWe knew we wanted to add a ton of HRIS integrations. We were going to have to build those in house, but that was going to be time consuming and expensive,ā€ Schmidt says. ā€œWith Merge, we saw the opportunity to scale integrations quickly, and to offload some of the integrations weā€™d already built.ā€

To Schmidt, Merge stood out for two reasons:

  • Interoperability. Mergeā€™s Unified API was similar to Peoplelogicā€™s underlying data model. Schmidt says, ā€œWhen we look at a deal in HubSpot, it's the same as a Salesforce opportunity. For us, that was a big selling point, because it meant that we could write our model to a category and not have to worry about having all the specifics around each integrationā€™s data that was coming in.ā€
  • Flexibility. Merge enables passthrough data requests: ā€œThe other piece was that you guys gave the opportunity to do requests beyond your common model. We could pass through additional queries to the native system if we needed to get richer information. That was something that we couldn't get from other providers.ā€Ā 

By working with Merge, Peoplelogic could quickly integrate with 40+ HRIS, payroll, and directory service providers quickly to meet customer demand. Schmidt says, ā€œThe integrations are a checklist item for the buyer. Working with Merge has given us an opportunity to say, ā€˜Yes, we have that - and then continue the sales process.ā€™ā€

For all their customers ā€” now and in the future ā€” Schmidt is confident that ā€œ100% of our customers will benefit from the ease that comes with keeping their rosters updated.


Moving upmarket with confidence

As Peoplelogic continues to expand into different categories of integrations, itā€™s working closely with Mergeā€™s team to request additional integrations and functions. Schmidt describes Peoplelogicā€™s working relationship with Merge, ā€œIt becomes a true partnership.ā€

Peoplelogicā€™s deep and wide coverage of integrations also became a positive signal for customers, bestowing its product with a halo effect. Without these integrations, customers grow concerned. Schmidt says, ā€œWhen we say we don't have an integration, it becomes something that can be in their minds; they think that it could be something that'll make Peoplelogicā€™s integrations work less well.ā€

ā€œIt allows us to easily move up market to connect to platforms that would traditionally have a complicated partner program,ā€ says Schmidt.Ā 

Merge Link enables Peoplelogicā€™s customers to set up integrations quickly, and within Peoplelogicā€™s product experience. Schmidt says, ā€œFrom a business sense, the significant value that our customers get is that we can provide support for any integration that they may have. It looks like it's just part of our platform. They get a unified experience between our first party integrations and the integrations provided through Merge.ā€

In March 2023, Schmidt announced on LinkedIn, ā€œManual roster uploads are gone!ā€ Peoplelogic released 40+ HRIS integrations for its customers. Schmidt plans on growing Peoplelogicā€™s product with Merge. He says, ā€œOver the course of time, we will roll out pretty much every category that you have.ā€

As Peoplelogic expands beyond its 40+ HRIS integrations, it can leverage the 170+ integrations available through Mergeā€™s Unified API, enabling its customers to better understand their teams. Schmidt says, ā€œMergeā€™s support has been phenomenal, and embodies the working relationship we were hoping for.ā€

Your Success is our success

Make integrations your competitive advantage

Integrate today or talk to our sales team to learn how Merge unlocks hundreds of integrations in days ā€“ not years.

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